Coaching Challenge: Confidence

It seems that confidence will wane in a particular area.  For example, we can be very confident on one project at work but not another or confident around everyone except for a certain person.  Take a moment to think about where and when you have less confidence than you normally do as we go through today’s mini coaching exercise.  It’s time to boost your confidence and the confidence of those around you!

Here we go….

  • When thinking about the situation where you’re confidence is less than you’d like it to be, remember why you chose to do what you’re doing in the first place.
  • What one thing can you do to remind yourself of why it is that you are doing this?  Identify the value or the dream associated with this area and focus on it.
  • Has a recent failure damaged your confidence?  Like Davis, you may have failed but that doesn’t mean you’re a failure.  Take note of what you learned from the experience.  Recognize the value you brought in it.  Find your confidence in knowing that you were true to yourself and others.
  • If it’s around a particular person that your confidence depletes, ask yourself these questions:
    • What makes this person so important to you?  Is that valid?
    • What can you do to change how you react around them?
    • If the person is unavoidable (a parent, boss or significant other), what can you do to take your power back?  There could be another post on this… but really, that loss of confidence you feel is the power you hand over to them.  Remember that it’s yours to give and to take.

And finally, who needs your confidence?  Give it to them.

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